Founder and Advisor to TTU's student organization 

 EcoTech 2022-2023


TTU's Environmental Student Organization 

Building Eco Ambassadors and an Eco Corps

for TTU and Beyond

Founded to respond to global environmental challenges, from agricultural degradation to climate crises, and to prompt changes to undergraduate education to respond to these challenges, this student-led organization aims to encourage students to cultivate awareness and respect of the natural environment and to engage in measures to foster sustainability on the TTU campus and beyond.

Eco-Tech’s main goal is to create a corps of student leaders–better known as eco ambassadors–devoted to environmental issues. Their first objective is to develop an agenda and then enact measures at TTU to render the university more environmentally conscious and engaged in actions that promote environmental sustainability. Thanks to the financial support from TTU’s University Career Center, student interns will be  paid to serve as environmental educators and conservationists at TTU. EcoTech’s guiding principles stress both the interconnectedness of all living and non-living identities and the fact that humans, as a keystone species, play an imperative role in preserving the well-being of the natural environment. EcoTech is open to all students, even though the organization is housed within TTU’s Honors College.

Next General Public Meeting: April 3, '23, 6-7pm in the Senate Room (Rm 125) in the SUB. 

GOFUNDME LINK; please consider giving a donation to assist us with our environmental projects.


  1. Eco Ambassadors: Provide students with a platform and training to become Eco Ambassadors or young leaders of the environmental movement locally, nationally, and internationally.  
  2. Agenda Items: Develop an agenda that encourages TTU to become more environmentally sustainable.
  3. Advising: Advise TTU students, staff, faculty, and administrators on sustainable actions to pursue.
  4. Engagement: Assist with carrying out sustainable actions.
  5. Internships: Prepare students to serve as conservationists and educators during their internships. 
  6. Fraternity: Build a sense of fraternity among TTU students from various disciplines.

II.Guiding Principles

  1. Interconnectedness: We recognize the interconnectedness of all living and non-living identities on earth.
  2. Vulnerability: We acknowledge the intrinsic vulnerability of all elements of the natural environment.
  3. Reversal of Position: We endorse a “reversal of position” of humans, such that we consider ourselves with greater humility.
  4. Keystone Species: We recognize that humans must play a pivotal role as a "keystone species" in preserving the natural environment.
  5. Care and Respect: We believe in an ethos of care and respect, rather than of exploitation, of all plant and animal life. 

A Winter Sunrise Captured on the TTU Campus

"We must invent overnight, figuratively speaking, another kind of civilization, one more cognizant of limits, less greedy, more compassionate, less bigoted, more inclusive, less exploitive."

(Barry Lopez, Embrace Fearlessly the Burning World 2022) 

 III. Expectations of EcoTech Interns at TTU Spring ‘23

  1. Meet on Friday afternoons (time: 2:30-4:00) at the Honors College (207 McClellan Hall) with other members of the EcoTech organization.
  2. Conduct research to become experts to publicize and execute the TTU "Green Up" campaign: the five environmental issues, like the five fingers on a hand, we are concentrating on during the spring '23 semester consist of: a) engaging in student, faculty, and staff outreach; b) jumpstarting the recycling program on campus; c) encouraging wiser food container usage (discouragement of single-use plastics); d) fostering healthier food choices on campus; e) cultivating wise usage of energy resources (electricity and water) on campus. 
  3. Pay: up to 15hrs/wk, $15 per hour, thanks to a grant from the University Career Center; details to follow.
  4. 12 spots available; competitive opportunity

Investigative Research Project about TTU's Environmental Efforts by Honors Student Hope Ramsey: Research presented at our weekly meeting on 2/17 at 2:30 in McClellan 207. Thanks, Hope!

V. Other Important Information

  • Interested in becoming a member of EcoTech? Come to our meetings held twice a month in the SUB in room 125 Senate Room at 6-7pm. See Tech Connect for our schedule of public meetings. 
  • Internship (Spring '23), no longer accepting applications.
  • Note: Students may participate in the EcoTech organization independent of their involvement in the internship program.
  • For all other questions, contact:

"The climate crisis is also a crisis of culture, and thus of the imagination."    Amitav Ghosh

VI. Officers and the LeadershipTeam

  • President: Justin Hutcheson
  • Vice-President: Hala Shabaneh
  • Secretary: Aubrey Cheek
  • Treasurer: Audrée Macias
  • SORC Rep and General Media Specialist: Hope Ramsey
  • Social-Media Specialist: Mikaela Trevino
  • Lead Ambassador: Victor Romero
  • Research Specialist I on Environmental Initiatives at Other Universities: Jeremy Osborn
  • Research Specialist II on Grants and Big-Picture Action Items: Riley Jakino
  • Faculty Director: Dr. Suzanne LaLonde

VII. Budget Summary

Travel Grants for twoTTU students to participate in the University of Paris's Env't Convention

  • approximately= $2,000

Livable Futures Generous Gift

  • 10 extrainternships (pending) at $600/each X 2 years = $12,000
  • EcoTech organization material costs = $500
  • Organization startup = $1,500
  • Total from Livable Futures= $14,000

 Paid Internships at TTU from the University Career Center

  • 10 internships 15-20 hrs./wk., $15 per hr.
  • Limit 150 hours for each student during the semester
  • Each student would be guaranteed $2,250 each semester. However, there is some wiggle room as to when the internships could start and how many hours per week students would work, according to Brittainy Klemme from UCC.
  • Total from TTU University Career Center=$22,500

     TTU Honors Student Justin Hutcheson at the University of Paris Convention on the Environment in the Digital Age, October 2022

TTU Students Mikaela Trevino and Braiden Stice speaking at the University of Paris Convention on the Environment in the Digital Age October 2022.

An Investigative Report and a Proposal for a Revolutionary Idea to Address the Problem of the Politicalization of the topic of Climate Change, an exposé by Honors Student Jeremy Osborn; presented at our weekly meeting on 2/17 at 2:30 in McClellan 207. Thanks , Jeremy!

Dr. SuzanneLaLonde and TTU students Justin Hutcheson, Braiden Stice, and Mikaela Trevino at the University of Paris Convention on the Environment in the Digital Age, October 2022; student participation made possible in part by TTU's TrUE Undergraduate Research Office and the Honors College. 


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